Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Some quick thoughts on Tom Savage and the Texans quarterback Situation

(broke out the keyboard on lunch and wrote some things that have been on my mind)

(photo courtesy of me searching Google images)

Anyone who has followed me on Twitter the past couple of years knows a few things about me. I like beer. I'm fat. I like beer. I like taking pictures of my BBQ. I'm rarely serious. I believe that beer is god good. And if you're a Texans fan, you'll also know that I tend to like the Texans' version of the most popular player on most teams: our back-up QB, Tomothy (Tom) Savage.

But what you may not know, unless you've seen the one or two tweets I've ever made where I pull back the curtain and reveal my true feelings, is that I'm only half-joking in my praise of Savage. I really do not believe he's the next coming, the savior of our franchise. I do not believe the Texans should stop worrying about acquiring anymore quarterbacks because the franchise quarterback is already on the roster. Tom Savage hasn't done anything to guarantee any of that. Almost nothing, if we're being honest.

What I do know is that the guy has an excellent arm. He can make every throw. He'll stand in the pocket, nice and tall, and deliver that ball with pressure so far up his ass he can't close his mouth. That's led to at least one of his three recorded injuries in his three seasons here (I'm not counting the elbow herpes), but it IS a quality that Bill O'Brien would appear to value in his quarterbacks.

But the main thing he has (kiss my ass, I'll start a sentence, paragraph, book or IDGAF with the word “But”) is experience in Bill O'Brien's Houston system (which we're not quite sure what that system is yet, but Savage knows it). Fitzpatrick didn't have it. Hoyer kind of had it. Mallett is not even awake right now probably. Osweiler didn't have it. This alone could be a big reason why when Savage took the field for O'Brien this year, though he was as slow as some slow things that are slow getting the play off, the offense actually looked like...SOMETHING! The quarterback looked calm. He knew what was supposed to happen, where to go with it, and had the confidence to do it.

What am I getting at? Look, I think the Texans should try and get Tony Romo once he figures out where the emergency break-light pull switch is inside of Jerry Jones's trunk. I know I know, “his back is cardboard” or something, but as I like to say, “you have to take shots to make shots.” This franchise cannot hope a QB just comes to their door, which is why I'm still okay with last year's acquisition of Oswillie. But if they cannot get Romo, what's so bad about starting Tom Savage? Finally, Bill O'Brien would get to put ALL of his cards on the table. He wouldn't be rolling out someone else's spoiled goods at QB. Finally, it'd be his guy, the one who he has developed. And then maybe we could really start judging him on quarterbacks.

I'll put the keyboard down and listen.

UPDATE 03/16/17: When I wrote this quick hitter yesterday, I didn't go into too much detail. It was lunch, and just hashed out my thoughts as quickly as I could.

One thing I left out that I feel is important to include is that, no matter who starts at quarterback for the Texans in 2017, the Texans need to also address the position in the draft. The earlier the better, but it needs to be addressed.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly. Guess I should've written my blog sooner as you've pretty much said everything I wanted to.

  2. Great take...Savage could easily be Trent Dilfer for the Texans...score points and your defense will carry you
